Thursday 18 January 2018

Iron Rich Foods For Children

Children Below 10 Years of Age has a More Iron Deficiency Anemia Due to Low Appetite, Busy School Schedule, Unhealthy Diet Habits.

Children Should Know That Iron Is an Important Part of a Healthy Diet.

Iron Rich Foods :

1) Eggs, Read Meat, Fish, Sea Foods

2) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Specially Spinach, Broccoli

3) Citrus fruits

4) Dry Fruits Specially Almond, walnut, Dates, Raisins

5) Lentils

6) Beetroot

7) Iron Fortified - Cereals, Bread, Pastas

8) Dried Beans & Peas

How Much Iron Do Children Need ?

> Infants Up to 6 months of Age Who Breastfeed Get Enough Iron from      Mother's Milk. 

> Infants 7 to 12 Months Need 11 mg / day

> Toddlers 1 to 3 Years Need 7 mg / day

> Children 4 to 8 Years Need 10 mg / day 

> Children 9 to 13 Years Need 8 mg / day 

> Teen Age Boys Need 11 mg / day 

> Teen Age Girls Needs 15 mg / day 
   ( Increase Iron Require Due to Menstruation )

  • 1 comment:

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